Field Trips

Some of the places we visit in the summer:

We’ve provided links to their web sites or to local sites that provide a little more information (location, phone number, admission prices, etc.) wherever possible. We encourage you to take a family “field-trip” to any of them!

Here we learned about all types of insects — we even held a tarantula! We touched sea creatures too. Our favorite part was walking with the butterflies!

Can you guess what we saw here? Did you know that a giraffe’s tongue is as long as my arm? (We learned that at the zoo.)

Before the show we made our own stick puppets and had a chance to play and put on our own shows.

The fireman put the ladder all the way up to show us how high it goes — he took our picture from up there (we sure looked small!)

These little buildings were just our size. We even went inside some of them. We had a great ride on the train; some of us even rode in the caboose.

This was just plain FUN!

We learned how to behave around farm animals so we wouldn’t scare them and they let us pet them.

Some of us went up on stage and were part of the show! Good job, guys!

There was so much to do here: We got lost (and found) in a life-size maze, we learned how people in wheelchairs do things we take for granted, we even built things out of wood using real tools.

The Cost of Field Trips Varies. Please Check with the Director!